
L’Aventino è uno dei sette mitici colli su cui venne fondata Roma, una collina dalle pendici ripide che arriva a sfiorare il Tevere. Located south of the Circus of Maximus and east of the Tiber. In the Savellopark, better known as the Giardino degli Aranci, it is possible to reach a refined and wonderful terrace that overlooks the Tiberand dominates all the domes of Rome, primarily St. Peter’s Basilica.

From this corner, one of the most loved and popular in the city, you can enjoy one of the most beautiful views of Romeat all hours of the day and night.


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Colosseo, Foro e Campidoglio

The most impressive building bearing witness to an ancient era is the Colosseumor Flavian Amphitheater, next to it are the Arch of Constantine and the Domus Aurea, Nerone’s residence.

To create the area of ​​the Colosseum, the artificial lake that surrounded Nerone’svilla was drained. Vespasianhad it built in 72 A.D., brick, tuff and travertine from quarries near Tivoliwere used for its construction. From 80AD, the amphitheater remained open for about four hundred years..


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Pantheon – Piazza sopra Minerva – Piazza Navona

From via del Corsothrough narrow alleys, you reach the heart of the ancient Campo Marzio and mainly in Piazza della Rotonda. Here, for two millennia, stands the PANTHEONin front of a 16th century fountain with an Egyptian obelisk.

It is the best preserved Roman architectural work, the most imitated and to have maintained the religious function for which it was built. Emperor Hadrianwanted to replace it for the previous temple of Marcus Agrippa (burned and rebuilt several times), Augustus‘ son-in-law and architect. In the Middle Ages the temple, dedicated to all the gods, was converted into a church.

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Iola Tiberina - Torre Argentina

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Piazza di Spagna – Piazza Barberini

From piazza Barberini continue along via Sistina a very elegant street, with shops and its homonymous theater. Here opens up one of the most beautiful and characteristic streets of Rome: Trinità dei Monti. Continuing towards the Pinciowe come to Villa Medici. It was built around the end of the 16th century on behalf of Cardinal Ricci di Montepulciano, later the villa passed to Cardinal Ferdinando Dé Medici.

At the behest of the French, the French Academywas founded, located in the villa, so that young French talents could treasure the beauties and culture of antiquity and the Renaissance.

Even today, the selected artists spend three years of improvement there

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Basilica di San Pietro e i musei Vaticani

We reach St. Peter’s Basilica with the Metro Line A towards Battistiniand get off at the Ottavianostop, walk along via Ottaviano towards piazza Risorgimento and immediately we face the walls of theVatican City. A curiosity: the Vatican City, where St. Peter’s Basilica is located, is an independent state in all respects and therefore has its own currency and its own postal system, complete with special stamps and stamps.

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